Md. Abdullah Saeed Khan

Cosmological Arguments

Gazi Yeasinul Islam Robots were created by Man. Then who created Man? Another super sensible Race (X)? Who created X and so on and so on.



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Abdullah Saeed Khan

Abdullah Saeed Khan Gazi Yeasinul Islam, Thanks! This demands a thorough philosophical discussion of theology. However, although I’m very much interested, but I’am constrained by time.

You remember I couldn’t continue my discussion last time.

Still, I can’t keep my enthusiasm in check.

This argument of yours is known as ‘infinite regress’ problem, is popularized by Richard Dawkins.

The argument goes like this-

-if man was created by God. Who created God?

– Then who created the creator of God?

– Thus the question continue to an everlasting ‘temporal’ regress.


But, there is a problem with argument.

-If there had been an infinite series of creator-creation event-we could not have existed

– But we exist

-Therefore, we have a finite past time

And this has been verified in the realm of cosmology. The Borde, Guth and Vilenkin theorem have proved that any model of universe with a Hubble expansion more than 0 must have a past boundery and therefore have to have a beginning.

Now if we read the abstract of their paper, published in the last line is:

“Thus inflationary models require physics other than inflation to describe the past boundary of the inflating region of spacetime.” (1)

Which means that we cannot explain the past boundary with the physics of this world.

Now, whatever physics X we have, this would leave the ultimate question unanswered-

Why there is something rather than nothing?

Here comes the principal of sufficient region or PSR (cf. Leibnizian Cosmological Argument). (2)

PSR entails that an Uncreated creator exist, who is not bounded by time or restricted realities He creates. He is “Unique, absolutely simple, unrestricted, unconditioned reality itself which is the continuous Creator of all else that is (3)”


1. Borde A, Guth AH, Vilenkin A. Inflationary Spacetimes Are Incomplete in Past Directions. Phys Rev Lett. 2003;90(15):4.

2. Pruss, A. Leibnizian Cosmological Arugment. In Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology. 3. Spitzer, R Z. New Proofs for the Existence of God, W.m. Eardmans Publishing co. 2010. p: 143.

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